Monday, 26 May 2014

Jen: My Partners for SEPP

So we're in Beijing now! Leaving Hangzhou was actually one of the hardest things. I didn't really get to know my conversation partners til the very end but every moment counted! I had a bunch of partners but they're very involved on campus so they couldn't come to meetings a lot. They're like me. Busy all the time always. My girls were Alice and Yuki. They're roomates and they're adorable. I gave them little polar bear figures and in return I got an Opera themed bookmark and a little purse. And they sent me little note cards! I've been told that writing postcards is a big thing in China for students when they go travelling. As for the guys, there was: Damon,a really talented dancer; Jiaoqiao, a really good soccer player who sings KTV off-key but proudly; Jungle, a shy guy with the coolest name ever; Sun, a student council member who also likes Peking Opera! Last of all I met Eric who is into History, Japanese culture, Travelling and doesn't mind walking around and talking. He's like a Chinese male version of me! I'll miss all of the people I've met here. I hope I'll see some of them again. I may even go back to that University again. It was a nice place. The ones in the surrounding area were pretty similar to that one too. AKA the one that me and Rebecca got lost in trying to find our uni...


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