Tuesday 13 May 2014

Jen: Campus Days

Lately our schedules are too varied to make concrete plans or go anywhere so we've been making mini day trips around the area. Yesturday I did tonnes of laundry and went shopping with a girl in our group. I don't think I've ever done so much window shopping in my whole life! But in reality I've barely spent that much. Prolly about $150 Canadian but I've bought tonnes of souvenirs and enough food to feed and army and then some! The food is so unbelievably good! I even like the milk here. And I don't drink milk!

Today me and the Becca went back to a place called Frid Plaza. Or sometimes Fred. Depends what map you're looking at. That's China anyway. There are 3 and a half something floors and it sells everything except the kitchen sink. I'm surprised that I haven't come across any kitchen supplies stores. Hmm. But I guess a pot and pan wouldn't exactly fit in my suitcase. Hmmm.

Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of sports competitions and we are the last group to go around the field. Which means lots of standing. Oh goodie! I have not known this kind of foot pain. The Chinese must be super fit because they walk EVERYWHERE.

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